Tuesday, August 9, 2011

This and That

Back to the garden and the blog after surgery for a torn rotar cuff!  I picked beets with my left hand and all is well.  In the mean time a wonderful group of volunteers  kept things looking great.

This week the garden hosted students transitioning to the middle school.  They tore out the old,worn out peas and our lettuce that produced an incredible 5 crops before bolting in the heat last week.

The food pantry has been supplied with beets,spinach,onions,cucumbers,zuchini,and some acorn squash. We also have started picking tomatoes and by  the looks of things will have enough to keep the pantry well supplied.

Come check out the sweet potatoes.  These little tiny slips have grown into big,beautiful vines.  The women of the Congolese fellowship group which meets at Urban Heights has been picking small quantities of the leaves for a wonderful taste of home!

John Kopal will begin this week in his Eagle project. His rain barrel project will bring supplemental water to the garden.(Wednesday and Thursday evening)

Garden T-Shirts will be available soon.  The shirt will feature the garden logo on the front and a list of the friends of the garden on the back. Cost will be between $10-12. If you would like a shirt call the office at 278-1371.

Harvesting continues on Wednesdays and Sundays weather permitting.  Weeders welcome anytime.Questions ? Call Beth at 314-2114

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